Ranks & commands
Here you will find a list of commands and the benefits added with each rank
To check your progress towards the next rank type /rankinfo To rank up type /rankup
- McMMO β access to basic commands, default rewards/cooldowns β see the separate McMMO wiki post for a detailed command list
- DirkpRTP β ability to use /rtp in overworld and resource worlds
- Warps β ability to use teleports through /warps /teleport and the /menu teleports category
- Jobs β access to jobs in order to earn in-game money and reward points use /jobs join or /menu to start
- SilkSpawners β ability to mine spawners with silk touch and place spawners to create grinders / farms
- Ranks β access to /rankinfo and /rankup β view rank requirements and work towards your next upgrade
- Homes β ability to add and remove home teleport locations, default is 3 sethomes but increases with ranks β use /sethome <name> to set your first home and then use /homes to view all available locations or /removehome <name> to delete
- ResidenceProtection β access to the residence plugin for grief prevention, see the separate residence wiki post for a more in depth guide
- 4 residences, allowed size 256 x 256
- PlayerTeleport β access to /tpa <player> , /tpahere <player> and /tpaaccept
- ShiftEdit β hold shift and right click to edit a sign (where you have build permission)
- Economy β access to /bal /baltop and /pay <player> <amount>
- Command /spawn β return to spawn at any time
- Command /shop β access our server store
- Command /menu β access the dirkocraft player menu
- Command /stats β access to view players personal server stats (time played, last death timer, distance travelled, mob kills and more) mouse-over the results to see in depth details
- Command /ignore β access to ignore other players in chat, can also use /ignore all
- Command /seen <playername> - access to other players last seen results
- Command β access to /inspect and /coi to turn on the log checking ability
- PrefixSuffix β use /menu and look for the prefix/suffix category
- DeathChest - Cost $250
- DeathChest - XP return 0%
- DeathChest - Max Chests 2
- DeathChest - Timer 30 mins
- MagicCarpet /mc and /mc tools
- BottledEXP /bottle store <lvls>L or /bottle store max
- Command /back
- Command /hat
- Command /ride
- Command /sit
- Homes 6 /sethomes
- Elytra Boost (hold right click with an empty hand whilst flying)
- Elytra Launch (Hold shift and then hold right click to charge up, release shift but keep holding right click to launch, press space when in the air to start flight)
- McMMO cooldowns cut by 1/4
- DeathChest Cost $2000
- DeathChest XP return 10%
- DeathChest Max Chests 2
- DeathChest Timer 20 mins
- McMMO 10% boost
- McMMO cooldowns cut by 1/3
- Enderchest anywhere with /ender or via the /menu playercommands gui
- Workbench anywhere with /workbench or via the /menu playercommands gui
- Jobs 10% boost
- Elytra superboost (even faster wooo)
- Homes 7 sethomes
- Residence 6 residences
- Residence size limit increased to 384 x 384
- Residence subzone limit increase to 10
- DeathChest Cost $5000
- DeathChest XP return 25%
- DeathChest Max Chests 2
- DeathChest Timer 20 mins
- Unlock Access to /headdb (54K custom heads you can choose from)
- Unlock Access to /jump (tp to the block you're looking at)
- Unlock Access to /mirror (mirror block placements when building)
- Unlock Access to /uextract <enchant> (use this to remove enchantments from a held item, it will move it to an enchanted book)
- Jobs 50% boost
- McMMO cooldowns cut by 1/2
- Homes 8 sethomes
- Residence 8 residences
- DeathChest Cost $10,000
- DeathChest XP return 50%
- DeathChest Max Chests 1
- DeathChest Timer 10 mins
- Unlock Access to /fly
- Unlock Access to /feed
- Jobs 100% boost
- McMMO 50% boost
- Homes 10 sethomes
- Residence 10 residences
- Residence size limit increased to 512 x 512
- DeathChest Cost $50,000
- DeathChest XP return 75%
- DeathChest Max Chests 1
- DeathChest Timer 10 mins
- Jobs 125% boost
- McMMO 100% boost
- Homes 20 sethomes
- Residence 15 residences
- DeathChest Cost $FREE
- DeathChest XP return 100%
- DeathChest Max Chests 1
- DeathChest Timer 30 mins
!Plus More To Come!
Last updated